Isabel Miranda
University of Porto

Isabel Miranda is graduated in Biology by the University of Aveiro (1993) and since then she has been developing her research in Microbiology area. Master in Science and Food Technology by Technical University of Lisbon (1996), her thesis was carried out at Instituto Gulbenkian Ciência. She moved to Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, where she worked to produce a Portuguese vaccine for canine leptospirosis. She obtained her PhD in 2006 by the University of Aveiro (UA) and her work was distinguished by the Candida research community with the “Young Scientist Award”. Her postdoctoral was carried out under a collaborative project between RNA Biology Laboratory in UA and Microbiology Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP). Since 2009, she is a researcher at FMUP. She was awarded 2 FCT projects and participated, as team member, in more than 10 research projects. This financial support enabled the improvement of molecular microbiology and the supervision of post-graduation students (PhD and Master). She participated in several educational projects concerning Microbiology and Molecular Biology teaching. She has been invited to review and evaluate Research Grants from ESCMID and ERC. She is a Review Editor in Frontiers in Microbiology. In 2017, she accepted a new challenge and moved to the Department of Surgery and Physiology OF THE Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, as responsible for the Molecular Biology lab. Presently, she is the Science Manager in the Cardiovascular R&D Center (UnIC). Full list of publications at ORCID 0000-0003-4839-1613.

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