Project Managementt and Communication:

The aims of this WP focus on the coordination and management of all activities, communication, internal and external flow of information, provision of the deliverables, assessment and reporting on the progress made (for partners and EC) development and application of risk mitigation strategies and an application a contingency plan throughout the whole project in order to achieve the project and WP objectives complete and in time.


First, two bodies will be set during the kick-off meeting. The Project Management Board (PMB) and the Work Package Leaders Board (WPLB) which will be led by the Project Coordinator (PC). The PMB will consist of the project coordinator and a senior representative from each partner. The Coordinator as a Chair of both bodies will be in close cooperation with all members and be the contact point between the Consortium and the European Commission. The WPLB will consist of the leading expert of each WP. The primary responsibility of the WPLB is to coordinate the activities between WPs and monitor progress and quality of all processes and deliverables and will be subject to PMB. The WPLB will also appoint Task Groups for each WP (TGWP1, TGWP2, etc.). The WPL will chair its own TGWP with full responsibility for the implementation of his/her WP and achieving the related deliverables. The leader reports to the WPLB. Every 6 months, a management meeting will be organised for assessing the works of the whole programme. Urgent meetings will be organised using teleconferencing media such as Skype and e-presence. A Consortium agreement will be signed at the kick-off meeting by all partners. A project management and communication strategy will be developed by the PC in cooperation with the WPLB. A set of online communication tools (chat, forum, e-mail, e-bulletin) will be established for faster and immediate communication, individually and as a group. Biannual activity reports will be prepared by each TGWP and reported to the WPLB in each partner institution. At the end of the project, all activities and outcomes will be reported.


D9.1) Kick-off meeting, and Consortium Agreement, n. 1 (m1)
D9.2) Project Management & Communication Plan, n. 1 (m1)
D9.3) Management Meetings, n.6, (m1; m6; m12; m18; m24; m30; m36)
D9.4) Biannual WP Progress Report, n. 6 (m6; m12; m18; m24; m30; m36)
D9.5) External auditor; n. 1 (m7)
D9.6) Intermediate Report, n.1 (m18)
D9.7) Final local conference, n.1 (m36)
D9.8) Final Project Report, n. 1 (m37)

Organization of work:

JUST will be the coordinator of this WP.

M9.1) Organizing Kick-off meeting, and consortium agreement - M2
M9.2) Organizing Management meetings – M6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 35
M9.3) Development of Project management and communication plan- M1
M9.4) Preparation of Biannual progress reports – M6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36
M9.5) Hiring External auditor – M12
M9.6) Submission of Intermediate report – M18
M9.7) Organizing final local conference – M36
M9.8) Submission of Final project report – M37

Relation to other WPs: This WP is a complementary of other WPs

Monitoring and performance indicators:
The monitoring and evaluation of the WP rely on a set of performance indicators related to the execution of tasks and achievement of deliverables. These indicators will refer to:
- Efficacy: All activities and deliverables, as described in the WP, are performed/achieved:
- n. 1. Kick-off meeting, 5 management meeting organized
- n. 1 Project management plan prepared
- n. 6 Progress reports prepared
- n. 1 External auditor hired
- n. 1 intermediate reports, and n. 1 final report submitted
Communication and dissemination plan prepared


The project is managed through a transparent and efficient system of administration and coordination.
Relation to other WPs: This WP is related across all WPs
Organization of work:

Quality :

- Quality of cooperation among partners and of achieved results

Project Workpackges